![]() 10/04/2013 at 00:14 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
According to the Boston Globe the guy who was paralyzed was a habitual traffic offender who has had his right to drive in the state of Massachusetts was revoked until 2017. !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!!
![]() 10/04/2013 at 00:17 |
Ha. Thats too good.
![]() 10/04/2013 at 00:27 |
This whole incident really just makes me feel sick.
On the one hand you have the bikers, who I'm sure felt justified in their behavior and on the other hand you have the driver of the car representative of everyone else who isn't a bike hooligan.
Part of me wants to say that these guys need to have a safe, legal outlet for their passion while another part of me wants to say that these guys need to get a fucking clue and grow the fuck up.
It's hard to fault the driver, you can sort of understand his fear and it's easy to fault the bikers for creating the shitty situation in the first place.
I've got nothing against bikers, but in the same way that I have issues with certain groups of car guys, I think there's a big demographic of bike-bro's who're douching it up for guys like my friends, who've never participated in these sort of antics ever with the exception of my friends older brother, who perished doing the same.
Food for thought.
![]() 10/04/2013 at 00:33 |
Bikers do have an outlet for their "passion", it's called a public roadway. All they have to do is follow the law & rules of the road, not act like a bunch of privileged Neanderthals who think they own the fucking streets.
![]() 10/04/2013 at 00:37 |
Hey, I agree vehemently!
My biking friends are all adherents of the law. They behave. They don't get speeding tickets and when they're out carving they pick the right roads, right conditions, and scout ahead but still keep it within the letter of the law. Also, they don't gather in huge "fuck everyone else" groups like these kids do. When they say "group ride" it's usually no more than half a dozen bikes or so. This is the same reason I don't associate with the car clubs which organize big meets and cruises without actually making sure it's okay first and won't fuck everyone else over. The 10-car cruises I can handle, if only just. But when it gets out of hand, I'll be the first guy to roll out because I don't want to be around when the police are called (many of whom I work with).
![]() 10/04/2013 at 00:47 |
I have the same feeling about cyclists. Normally I ride alone, because I like to just unwind and go where I choose at my own pace. Every once in awhile I've tried to ride with a local cycling group. What. A. Bunch. Of. Pricks. Not nearly as bad as "critical mass" groups I've heard of, but just real unfriendly, and rode like cars didn't belong on the same roadway. Needless to say, I peeled off not too long after they started. Have a good night.
![]() 10/04/2013 at 00:54 |
I wonder if his mama still thinks he was innocent and that the RR driver should be charged.
![]() 10/04/2013 at 00:59 |
I've been there, friend.
My mother is an avid cyclist. She still rides as often as possible, to work and back or just commuting around. She is the type of cyclist all cyclists should aspire towards.
She always wears her helmet.
She always wears high visibility clothing.
She always has her lights on, front and back.
She always obeys the rules of the road, just like a car would.
She is, on her bicycle, better than most in their cars.
She is not the kind of cyclist who assumes the right of way because you're in a big polluting car, asshole. She's not the kind of cyclist who invents rules or switches from bicycle to pedestrian whenever it's convenient. She's not perfect, and when she makes a mistake she's the kindest person in the world about it.
And having said all of that, she gets treated like a typically entitled cyclist because there are just so many loudmouth pricks out there who act as though, because they don't have a cage around them and aren't burning carbon they're somehow better than the rest of us and we should all bend over to make way for them because they're the future and we're all dinosaurs burning dinosaur bones.
I will tell you that I once encountered one of these cyclists. Due his own behavior, he put himself in a dangerous position and I was forced to react abruptly. His idea of justice, despite being entirely at fault, was to put his cycling cleat into the door of my car.
Without hesitation, I accelerated past him, legally I might add and parked my car. He kept on cycling toward me, I motioned him to stop, which he didn't so I tackled him. I said, "You've just assaulted my property causing damage. I am placing you under citizens arrest. I have phoned the police and they will arrive directly. If you attempt to leave the scene, it could constitute a hit-and-run which is a criminal act."
He wasn't inclined to linger, but felt so incensed that I'd defended my property he stood around threatening me with physical violence until the police arrived. They compared his cleat with the damage on my door, which lined up perfectly, placed the cyclist under arrest and took my statement informing me that I may be called upon to defend my actions in court. I never was, he plead guilty.
Sometimes, it doesn't take a whole car to cripple a cyclist. Sometimes all it takes is one citizen with a sense of civic duty and social responsibility.
And on a side note, after being flipped off by a cyclist blowing a "Do Not Walk" sign at a crosswalk, on the sidewalk, and being told that I need to learn how to drive, I shouted, "When you start paying insurance, I'll start giving a fuck!"
![]() 10/04/2013 at 02:06 |
This was in a post on the fp a few days ago. In the paragraph right by the photo of the guy in a coma.
![]() 10/04/2013 at 05:26 |
Such a bad ass.